Friday, March 22, 2013

“You like pool parties?”

canyon waterfall

Another item got crossed off our Southern experience list…a visit to Chic-Fil-A!  Thanks to the generosity of Christina and Andrew, Jesse got to enjoy his first meal at this fine chicken establishment.  We also got the privilege of experiencing “Southern Hospitality” from a middle aged woman who decided to get her Saturday night off to an early start.  She invited us (along with everyone else in the restaurant) to her April 20th pool party, told us stories about dwarf tossing, and then stumbled on her way. 

First Chick-Fil-A
Of course, nothing could spoil our appetite after a long 6 mile hike to the Walls of Jericho.  It was steep, but worth it.  Along the trail, we got to see a hundred-year-old cemetery, traverse some pretty cool foot-bridges, see waterfalls, and climb up the amphitheater-like canyon walls.  

…and as if the day couldn’t get better, we ended it with a pot of fondue J

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Southern Experience Begins...

We started to check off some of the things we wanted to experience while in the South. 

So Far on the List…

#1 Unclaimed Baggage Store –  A wonderful store where all the unclaimed baggage across America gets sent to.  It was much bigger than we expected and found a few good bargains…although it does seem a little weird there was so much used underwear for sale

#2 Jack Daniel Distillery­  -  We finally joined the long list of Williams’ Family members who have made the pilgrimage to Lynchburg TN.  Highlights included free lemonade, a mini blizzard outside,  visiting the shops downtown…and almost getting drunk off the air around the distillery. 

#3 Spending time with Christina and Andrew - One of the best things about living in the South is being closer to my Southern sister and bro-in-law.   So far we have been able to visit them in Huntsville and they have come seen us atop Lookout Mountain.  This weekend, we hiked to DeSoto Falls together, crawled through rocks, and saw Welsh Caves…which may show pre-Columbian settlement by Europeans- holy smokes.     


There are still many other things we want to do while down here, including visiting Mammoth Cave, sampling a mess of Crispy Cream donuts, a trip to Chattanooga, eating Chick-Fil-A, hiking some of the Appalachian Trail, and hopefully seeing much much more of Christina and Andrew!