Through the YMCA of the Rockies, Jesse and I have gotten to meet lots of people ...and one of our favorite things is that they are new friends from all over the world :)

We had some epic sledding adventures with two of our Malaysian friends... picture on the rt. is right before Jesse and I had a major wipe out and broke our sled
Enjoyed a home cooked Malaysian feast. They are all such good cooks and we enjoyed it more than I think they could understand...brought back good memories of the Asian food we have been missing since Korea
AND we hung out in a Igloo with friends from Peru and Chile!! So much fun :)
During our year in Korea, all the Koreans were so welcoming and hospitable. It is fun we get to "pay it forward" and welcome others to the amazing place we get to live in and call home. It will be sad when they all leave to go back home in a few months, but until then we hope to have many more good times!

We had some epic sledding adventures with two of our Malaysian friends... picture on the rt. is right before Jesse and I had a major wipe out and broke our sled
Enjoyed a home cooked Malaysian feast. They are all such good cooks and we enjoyed it more than I think they could understand...brought back good memories of the Asian food we have been missing since Korea
AND we hung out in a Igloo with friends from Peru and Chile!! So much fun :)