Monday, July 11, 2016

First Camping Trip

Dinosaur National Monument

We deem our first camping trip with Elly a success!  Especially considering mom and dad weren't thinking through things completely and forgot about how hot the Utah dessert could be in the middle of July (maybe it has been the lack of sleep).  Regardless, we have a little trooper and the nights were a perfect temperature for our little Elly to surprise us by sleeping until early morning both nights and then being a lazy baby and sleeping in late.   

Fresh Air = Good Sleep

Besides, if we hadn't braved the Utah dessert, Elly wouldn't have gotten to see Dinosaurs and even "touch" her first Dino bone!!  ...

...Or get her first Junior Ranger Badge

...Or seen Dad get bitten by a giant Beetle

What a baby! Mom and Dad are excited for our next adventure with you!

Trip to Nebraska

We had a lot of fun taking our first trip back to Nebraska since having Elly.  It was special getting to introduce her to the family she still hadn't met, especially the great grandmas and grandpas.

Great Grandma Barry and cousin Lila!
Great Grandpa Olson and her cousin twin :)

Great Grandma Donna

Elly's Birthday Buddy, Great Grandpa Don

Great Grandma Deloris
Elly loved getting to meet all her little cousins too and it was pretty special for her mama to get to meet her little cousin Lila that was born 2 weeks after her...they are going to be buddies.  We just wish everyone could live closer!

Emma loved having two babies to play with!

Johni Jo and Brockett couldn't get enough of her

Why can't they all live closer?

Elly got to meet her Grandmas and Grandpas soon after she was born!  No one could keep the Grandma's away...

Grandpa Randy and Grandma Penny

Her Grand-pappy

Our Greatest Adventure Yet...

Having Elly has certainly been a much different kind of adventure than we have been use to, but it has been quite the ADVENTURE! 

The last 3 months have been full of new discoveries and lots of adjusting.  We are a family of 3 now (4 if you want to include the furry beast we call Bella) and God gave us a sweet, independent, nature-loving, so cute it hurts little baby, Ellyse Joy Williams. 

Lake Estes