Sunday, October 31, 2010

A weekend of "Hiking" and winning apples...

We had our first visitor this weekend!  Our friend Kate made the trip from Anyang City to Bonghwa late Friday night.  Having the 3 of us here definitely set the record for the most Nebraskans in Bonghwa at one time, so we celebrated with some potato soup and a night walk along the river.

Wayne and Jesse hitchin' a ride
up the mountain
 The next morning we caught the first bus to Andong and then on to Cheongsong, "Where the apples are as big as babies heads!"  Our South African friends teach in this little town with a big apple festival, so we spent the day with them.  The festival was a hoot! We played darts, shot paintball guns, threw stick things into bucket things, and won a backpack full of apples, none however "as big as a babies head...."

From there we headed to Juwangsan National Park to do a little hiking.  After waiting almost an hour for the bus we decided to set off on foot instead.  I'm sure that seeing 5 white people hiking along the highway was quite the sight for the Koreans! Fortunately, a nice Korean couple with a brand new van full of apples felt sorry for us and gave us a ride to the mountain (it turns out it would have been a very long walk....)

'Hiking' at the park

The leaves changing colors definitely made the park a beautiful place to be, unfortunately, that's what about 5,000 Koreans also thought.  It was crazy!! We fought our way up the mountain and did get to see some great waterfalls and scenery, but then had to hurry back to catch the last bus to Bonghwa.

Teresa and Kate in Juwangsan

Sunday was a lot more relaxing...we enjoyed a Halloween breakfast feast and went on one last hike with Kate before she had to head back to Seoul.