Monday, June 18, 2012

BE BEAR AWARE...a bear's tale.

TRUE/FALSE-   Teresa was within 125 yards of a female Grizzly.

True.  Last Saturday after an outing to Yellowstone National Park with 2 of her co-workers, I found myself in a “bear jam” where I got to see a Grizzly named Goldie grazing in a field off of Pilgrim creek in Grand Teton National Park.

TRUE/FALSE-  Teresa, along with a crowd of tourists, got charged by the female Grizzly.

False.  The crowd of tourists and I did not get charged by the female Grizzly, Goldie, BUT by a much larger and angrier male Grizzly on the walk back to the truck.

TRUE/FALSE-  Grizzly bears can run up to 35mph

True.  Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way, after witnessing a 700lb male grizzly come running across an open field attempting to scare off me and the rest of the people (talk about a heart pounding experience!) ,  so he could have his way with the female Grizzly. 

TRUE/FALSE-  You should carry Bear Spray when in bear country

TRUE!  It is very smart to carry bear spray with you…however, even with all the warnings in the park, no one was smart enough to have it on hand as we found ourselves weaving back and forth through the cars attempting to get away from the very agitated bear who was now huffing and pacing, realizing he was trapped between the row of parked cars and a pond. 

TRUE/FALSE- Teresa jumped into a stranger’s vehicle in an attempt to get away from the bear.

True.  My co-worker, Debby, and I opened the back door to a stranger’s vehicle and climbed inside after deciding 25 feet was WAY TOO close to be standing next to a massive, grumpy Grizzly.  Poor Sonya and a hand-full of other tourists were left outside huddled in a circle and clinging onto vehicles.   

TRUE/FALSE-  Teresa witnessed someone getting mauled by the GrizzLy.

FALSE!!!  Thank the Lord no one got hurt.  After a bit of shuffling around with the help of a volunteer ranger, everyone made it safely back to their vehicles, and left with only a thrilling story to tell.  What could have easily been a terrible experience, fortunately turned into a unique and memorable experience which hopefully will never happen again!

(sorry for the lack of pics…too concerned about safety to whip out the camera J )


  1. As I was reading this post my heart steadily increased beat. I felt a huge relief when I read false after the statement "Teresa was charged by a female grizzly" which was all shattered when I found you were charged by an even larger and male grizzly! So glad you are ok, friend! Be BEAR aware is right! What exactly is "bear spray" made of? Has it been proven effective? Keep up the shouting while walking! Miss you two!

  2. PS: It looks like this post scared your other readers speechless! Interesting!
