Jesse got employee of the month...good job honey, and good job getting us a gift certificate!
I earned my "gold certification" for hospitality, passing the test with a 97%
We both earned 3 pins for quality, safety, and environment efforts...the Bison, Bear, and Moose pins.

And quite possibly our biggest achievement while living here this summer (trumpets sounding) ...Jesse and I became junior rangers! Can you tell the hat is a tadbit too big for my teeny, tiny head?
Of course, even with our efforts to become outstanding employees here at Grand Teton National Park, we still mangage to find time to have some fun!!
A highlight from the last week was getting to visit hot springs with friends up at Flagg Ranch. Jesse and I did not prepare like we should of and didn't realize it was a mile walk back into woods to get to the springs...flip flops = not a good choice.
Unfortunately, Jesse's flip flop was reported MIA and was last seen floating down the creek in the darkness of night. With some creativity and brainstorming, "What would Bear Grylls do?", we decided a piggy back ride was the best choice. We swapped flip flops and Jesse carried me through the romantic. :) Sometimes misadventures are the best kind!
I earned my "gold certification" for hospitality, passing the test with a 97%
We both earned 3 pins for quality, safety, and environment efforts...the Bison, Bear, and Moose pins.
Of course, even with our efforts to become outstanding employees here at Grand Teton National Park, we still mangage to find time to have some fun!!
A highlight from the last week was getting to visit hot springs with friends up at Flagg Ranch. Jesse and I did not prepare like we should of and didn't realize it was a mile walk back into woods to get to the springs...flip flops = not a good choice.
Unfortunately, Jesse's flip flop was reported MIA and was last seen floating down the creek in the darkness of night. With some creativity and brainstorming, "What would Bear Grylls do?", we decided a piggy back ride was the best choice. We swapped flip flops and Jesse carried me through the romantic. :) Sometimes misadventures are the best kind!
Oh my! This is hands down one of my favorite posts (though the one where you used the word..scat ranks pretty high)! Achievement, honor, comedy, romance, and all around adventure...need I say more as to why I fancy this post!