Friday, October 22, 2010

YES, we also teach in S. Korea!

Jesse's class in Sebyeok...only 4 kids!

The view at Jesse's school Myeongho
Two days of our work week are spent at country schools, while the other three days are spent at the Bonghwa Middle and Elementary schools! 

It has taken a bit of adjusting, but we are finally in the swing of things and adapting to living and teaching in S. Korea.  We both agree, even though we were hestitant about teaching in the country (about a 40 minute bus ride through winding mountains to get to school...) that being at the country schools are a highlight during our week. 

The scenery is BEAUTIFUL and the kids in a smaller school are much more well behaved :)  I havn't taken any pictures of my 3 schools, but Jesse got a few good pics/video of his schools...

Jesse teaches 3-4 classes a day and an adult class (teaching other English teachers) every other week.  I teach anywhere from 3 to 7  classes a day and have an adult class every week.  Our day starts around 8:30 and ends at 4:30.  The schools also seem to always be having random activities and other we get the occasional day off too!


  1. sounds like you are really enjoying yourselves over there. I'm so glad to hear that. :)

  2. Sounds great! What an awesome experience!
