Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Very Good and Kind Monk

Have you ever had tea with a monk on a mountain? We have! Last weekend we traveled to Soebeck National Park with another English teacher and a Korean teacher we met here. Next thing you know....There we are on top of the mountain at an old Buddhist temple drinking tea and eating ginseng with a monk.  He was 'a very good and kind monk' and thought that I looked like Clint Eastwood and pretended to shoot fake revolvers in the air.  I told him that he was right, I more or less do look like Clint  :)

Then we ate some duck fat.


  1. Are you sure he was only drinking tea? :) Did you show the monk how well you can twirl revolvers, sticks, knives, whatever you can get your hands on? That would of convinced him that you were Clint! :) love you

  2. that's great! you two are having the best experiences!

  3. Oh yeah...the tea was made by mixing in alcohol
