Sunday, April 24, 2011

What's been cooking in Korea part 2... Easter Dinner

One of our favorite recipes here is chicken fried rice.  It's quick, easy, and delicous!  Since it is Easter, we had to add our own special touch to it.  Normal eggs wouldn't do, we had to use Easter eggs :)

We hope each of  you had a great Easter!  Of course ours was different than the way we typically celebrate.  Even though everything  around us was different, the meaning behind Easter is always the same and that is comforting no matter where you might be.

We didn't hide Easter eggs, but instead hid candy for each other around our apartment which was lots of fun.  It was also nice enough outside to have an Easter picnic.  Korea has helped us start some new traditions we look forward to continuing when we get back home! 

Bagged Chicken (Thank you Penny!)
1 cup diced veggies
2-3 tsp. garlic powder
3 TBS of sugar
2 eggs
3 TBS of soy sauce
2-3 TBS oil

 Cook the rice the night before and refridgerate so it is completely cooled.  Put 1 TBS. of oil into frying pan and scramble 2 eggs.  Add 1 cup of diced veggies (I use carrots and brocolli stems...when I get back to the States I'll add peas).  Add another TBS of oil and mix in chicken and rice.  Continue stirring and add sugar, garlic powder, and soy sauce.  Fry until hot and mixed completely (5-8 minutes). 
I don't really like following recipes to the exact and don't have measuring spoons, so just add soy sauce, sugar, and garlic powder to your liking...each time we have had it, it turns out great! 




  1. Love reading about and seeing pictures of your experiences in Korea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. You guys are so cute. I love your eggs. Did that one egg taste like gopher? (Sorry to the artist if I'm wrong, but it looked like a gopher.) I love your live action shots. I can smell the gopher-fried rice now. :)
