Sunday, July 3, 2011

Trick-Eye Museum

What's for Dinner?
Last weekend, I ventured up to Seoul by myself to have a girl's weekend with my good friend Kate!  It is monsoon in Korea, so of course it was downpouring rain... what better use to make of our time, then to visit a fun museum!

The Trick-Eye museum is full of optical illusions, mirror mazes, fun statues, and trick paitings...we even enjoyed a magic show!

Cruisin' in Korea
No picture in Korea is complete
without the peace sign

It was a great weekend and good for the both of us to get our minds off of busy schedules with school.  We ended our visit together in a coffee shop before departing ways.  I am so thankful God placed both Jesse and I and Kate in Korea at the same time.  His timing is perfect :)