Saturday, July 14, 2012

Our Big Smelly Neighbor to the North

No, we are not trying to offend our Bulgarian neighbor...IT'S YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK!

West Thumb
Grand Prismatic
Yellowstone is a big park and trying to see it all in one day it hard to do, but we tried our best.  After getting a later start than we orginally intended because a certain someone temporarily misplaced her keys, (go figure) we headed North. 

First stop, West Thumb, where you can see thermal pools and Yellowstone Lake side by side...we even touched the hot water after making sure no one was watching and contemplated cooking a lobster. 

Old Faithful did not dissapoint despite Jesse's life-long fear that an earthquake would stop it's eruption before he could see it.  A special treat was that the entire geyser basin seemed to be going off right before it's eruption, so we got to witness a half of a half dozen (somewhere around 3) other geysers going off.

Upper Falls
Rare pic. of a martian
space-ship flying overhead

All this geyser watching was making us hungry, so we headed to the Midway Geyser Basin for a picnic by the river.  After some delicious sandwiches, we saw the Grand Prismatic and than off to Artist's Paint Pots to see some bubbling mud.  Our last stop was a hike around The Upper and Lower Falls. 

We didn't see much wildlife except for a couple manalope sneaking up on some Bison...yes, manalope- the stupidest and most dangerous wildlife in Wyoming. 

After a full day of smelly adventures, we never even made it to the Northern part of the park, perhaps we will leave that for another day and another blog!  


  1. that's our waterfall!! You're making me miss Yellowstone!

    1. Come visit! Is that the waterfall near where Anthony proposed?

  2. Excellent photographs. Indeed, what a day of smelly adventures! Keep up the great adventures!

  3. You 2 have a interesting life. I miss you guys.

    love you,
