Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

Andrew Hiding Easter Eggs
Last weekend we were able to celebrate Easter with Christina and Andrew for the first time since they moved to Alabama.  We ALSO got to celebrate with my parents and Sadie the wonder dog!

Although it was rainy, we still had fun.  We went on an Easter Egg hunt throughout the house, ate lots of food, attended church, watched/slept through the bunny picnic, and ended the weekend by having my mom and dad come up to Lookout Mnt. for a day of camp. 

Lunch by the falls at camp
The day at camp included eating lunch by a waterfall, hiking, and relaxing with a game of cards and dinner before mom and dad  headed back to Hunstville. 

Hope everyone's Easter was just as enjoyable as ours!
"Then the angels declared, He is not here, He is risen."  Luke 24:6 

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